Friday, June 27, 2008


Kemarin aku nemenin kakakku ke Cilacap Jawa Timur, karena dia ada urusan di sana. Ternyata kami terlalu cepat sampai di tujuan dari waktu yang dijanjikan. Karena itu begitu kami melihat ada plang bertuliskan pantai Klayar 15 km, kami segera memutuskan untuk mencoba mengunjunginya. Saat itu pikir kami “ah paling 15-20 menit nyampai”. Akhirnya dengan modal nekat kami mencari pantai tersebut.

Ternyata oh ternyata jalannya sangat berliku, berbahaya, dan keadaannya jelek sekali, sehingga kami hanya bisa jalan dengan kecepatan maksimal 20 km/jam. Jadilah 1 jam kurang sedikit kami baru nyampai.

Dan ternyata setelah sampai di sana “Subhanallah” tak henti aku mengucapkan kata syukur kepada Allah. We’ve found a paradise. Ternyata pantainya sangat indah, luar bisa indah. Meskipun pantainya kecil. Dan kami adalah satu-satunya pengunjung di pantai ini. Serasa punya pantai pribadi.

Airnya berwarna biru jernih dengan pantai pasir putih yang dihubungkan dengan karang-karang kecil ke arah laut. Pantai dibentengi oleh karang besar di sebelah kanan dan kirinya. Pohon kelapa berjajar dengan rapi di jalan menuju pantai. Deburan ombaknya besar dan bergemuruh, khas pantai Selatan. Pantai yang sepi membuat pengunjung bebas menikmati keindahan alam tanpa mendapat gangguan yang tidak diinginkan.

Namun karena saat ini ombak pantai selatan sedang menggila kami tidak terlalu berani mendekat ke air. Kami hanya berjalan-jalan dan mengambil photo. Hanya sekitar setengah jam kami di sana karena kami ada janji dengan orang lain.

Sayang sekali sepertinya pantai ini tidak terlalu medapat perhatian dari Pemda, terutama jalur transportasi (jalannya benar2 hancur dan tidak ada kendaraan umum yang disediakan). Untuk menuju pantai memang harus menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, tapi menurutku lebih enak menggunakan motor, karena jalannya berliku, kadang sempit, dan menembus bukit kapur. Tapi beratnya perjalanan yang harus ditempuh mendapat ganjaran yang sangat pantas. Menurut penduduk setempat, pantai ini biasanya ramai dikunjungi pada hari Minggu.

If you come to Pacitan, don’t forget to visit Pantai Klayar and find a paradise, like I did.


Sometimes, I don’ really know what to do

And even what to say

Sometimes I really want to tell the truth

And of course I really want to express what I feel

But most of the times I feel so scared

I feel so insecure

Cause right now, I rely on nothing

Other pictures collected during my holiday. Still flowers and plants, my favorite objects.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Just finished read this book some days ago. Some friends highly recommend this book. This book is an international best selling indeed.

Hard to say but I’ve got difficulties in finishing this book. No, not because it’s not interesting. This book is interesting, but not the kind of book that you could not stop to read like Harry Potter. This book split up my mind. Even after finished it, there are still so much questions captivating me with the story.

To learn more about this book

Here are some pictures collected during my holiday.

Flowers and Plants, some are taken from our own garden

Mountains viewed from my home town. Left-Mount Merapi, Right-Mount Merbabu


Di Solo, selain Timlo, garang asem dan Tengkleng, masakan lain yang menjadi ciri khas kota ini adalah Selat Solo. Liburan ini aku berkesempatan untuk mencicipi Selat yang cukup laris dan terkenal yang terletak di Jalan Ir.Wahidin di daerah Penumping Solo.

Nama tempat makannya adalah Sup Stadion Sriwedari, karena dulunya sebelum pindah ke daerah penumping, sang penjualnya berjualan di warung tenda di daerah Sriwedari. Selain berjualan Selat, rumah makan ini juga berjualan beraneka macam sup.

Hari itu aku memesan 1 porsi Selat yang harganya Rp. 5500, cukup murah bukan? 1 porsi Selat berisi 2 iris daging Galantine dengan isian Sosis, 1 buah telur pindang, kentang goreng, wortel kukus, selada, keripik kentang, selada air, acar ketimun, dan mayones yang disiram dengan kuah manis berwarna coklat. Soal rasa, jangan ditanyakan lah, kalau untuk aku makanan ini benar-benar lezat. Namun bagi anda yang tidak begitu menyukai masakan khas Jawa Tengah yang manis mungkin tidak terlalu menyukainya.

Jika anda sedang mengunjungi Solo dan ingin mencicipi masakan ini, silahkan mampir ke Sup Stadion Sriwedari.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Akhirnya hari-hari pengangguranku dimulai juga. Tepatnya senin kemarin setelah menyelesaikan tetek bengek resignation aku pulang juga ke kampung halaman. Awalnya brasa aneh juga, dimana di senin pagi membayangkan biasanya diriku bekerja atau setidaknya bersiap2 untuk bekerja sore atau malam. Ternyata rutinitas bisa membuatku rindu juga.

Tapi akhirnya all I have to is just to be released. to set it free...
Just enjoy... kapan lagi bisa punya 2 minggu free tanpa gangguan dari siapa pun (terutama telpon dari kantor). Ha ha...

I've already planned a lot if things for this holiday...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"I’ve noticed that most pilgrims, whether on the Road to Santiago or any of life’s paths, always try to follow the rhythm set by others. At the start of my pilgrimage, I tried to keep up with my group, but I got tired. I was demanding too much of my body. I was tense all the time and ended up straining the tendons in my left foot. I couldn’t walk for two days after that, and I realized that I would only reach Santiago if I obeyed my own rhythm. I took longer than the others to get there, and for long stretches I often had to walk alone; but it was only by respecting my own rhythm that I managed to complete the journey. Ever since then, I have applied this to everything I do in life: I follow my own rhythm."

Bégona ( a pilgrim)
Taken from Like The Flowing River by Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I just finished this marvelous book by today. The time I spent to finish this book is such an amazing journey. This book is a collection of Paulo Coelho's reflection and short stories. Sometimes one story only takes a half page, but sometimes it takes 3 whole pages. Sometimes it's so easy to understand that I only need 1 minute to understand. But sometimes it needs 15 minutes to dig up the essential of the story.

Reading this book was like eating gado-gado. You can find everything there. Love, friendship, sadness, death, you name it.

This book's so inspiring for me. I can reflect a lot. I can find a lot. Bus most of it I can learn a lot. This is a master piece. One of the best book I ever read.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


If you ask me what I'm feeling now, I will say it's mixed up. One side I'm so happy that I can leave to pursue another challenges. But at the I other side I feel sad too. So sad of leaving something that I ever built from the start. Feeling unhappy to leave the relationship that I reach step by step from zero. Feeling bad about leaving everything that still not standing up well.
But I believe that this first step will lead me to another one - the better one I hope. Start of building the new one.

TheGuyNext Door

He's been here since 3 weeks ago, but I just met him for a week. What we built is just a professional relationship. This guy is just an ordinary guy. A man that working hard for his life. Do the best to finish the project on time, to save company's money as much as possible, to deliver what costumer want.

He's a real engineer. Someone that will scroll up his sleeves to tighten up the bolt by himself. A man that positioned himself as a father of his team members. A real hardworker.

He came from over sea. He's just a guy next door. But he already opened up my eyes to be grateful. Be grateful to God for each moment of my life that I have.

Thanks for sharing me your life, your work, your story. I've learnt alot. Wish you all the best and good luck.

We are friends although you call me boss :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008


These last 3 months I feel this painfull thing. Previously it only happen after I finished my night shift work in every end of the week, but right now it's getting worse, cause I also feel it in normal condition.
Like yesterday. The day seems so busy in my last days in my present company, maybe cause we have some commisioning on this project ( a project that made my boss can't let me leave easily). And after some trials, various meeting, some argument and complaint with the contractor, I got this migraine. I told my boss about it, and my boss only say "Oh you get a migraine, by the way you supposed to join the meeting at 4 PM".
Damn, my working hours is only till 3 PM and he asked me to still join that meeting when I have this migraine thing. He's a really really inspiring boss.