Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Happy B_Day To Me

Some days a go I celebrate my birthday...
Old enough tough
But I do enjoying this last 25 years of my life
Lot of good things happened also the bad things
But I've learnt lot
I've achieved lot
And I do happy
Still so much things to be done
To be achieved
Dear God
Thaks for blessing my life this last 25 years
Plese keep stay around


ganDA RAHman garNADI said...

otanjoubi omedetou, swah!!!
maaf2..., telat kasi selamatnya.
wah, kita jadi beda 2 taun dong... hehe...

UswaH said...

ha ha ha emang 2 tahun? bukannya cuman setahun ya? hayo jangan korupsi umur :)

Thanks Gan...

Kristanti Trepin said...

iya nih Ganda sok muda =p